Free Tips For Selling a House By Owner



                                                                                                    Should I Sell My House Myself?



Should I Sell My House Myself or through a realtor?

Let’s get the bad stuff out of the way first. Here are some of the disadvantages of selling your home yourself.

  • You don’t have a lot of feedback about how long it will take your home to sell, how much it will sell for or what will work the very best at making your home sell. You have only your instincts to go with and what you can learn here.
  • You will need to invest in selling a home. You will need to market and advertise your home. There are some excellent helpful solutions offered right on the web to help you, but you still need to put in a few dollars to insure people know your home is for sale.
  • You will not have your home listed in the MLS or multiple listing service, which is a tool that allows agents and buyers to know that your home is for sale. It is generally the location that people go to find out which homes are out there. You can pay to have your home included here, if you would like to.
  • Did you price it right? While many believe their home is worth more than it is, you may not know what to really charge for your home. There are resources to help you offered on the web, but you’ll need to do your own leg work here.

The Advantages
  • You don’t have to pay anyone 4, 5, 6, 7% or more to sell your home.
  • You get to make all the calls and are in complete control of the situation.
  • You get to determine when showings are, when people can come to see the home and you will be able to show your home.

Determine if selling your own home is right for you. Weigh these options carefully to make the right choice.